Why BITAC is a Must Attend Event for Purchasers & Decision Makers

BITAC® does not resemble a traditional conference, networking event, or trade show in any sense. Based on your product needs, you will be scheduled to meet with suppliers that you may not have thought to visit at a typical trade show and learn about products that you may not have known existed. Orchestrated like “speed meetings”, these 15 minute uninterrupted sessions are focused on your needs and are just long enough to explore solutions and determine if future discussions will provide benefit. This fast paced environment will allow you to accomplish more in 2+ days than you could in weeks worth of research outside this unique forum.

"BITAC will allow you to accomplish more in 2+ days than you could in weeks worth of research outside this unique forum"

BITAC® provides an intimate atmosphere for you to connect with prominent executives in the industry to exchange ideas and information that is of instant value. BITAC® was rated the #1 event in the hospitality industry [Belden Associates Study]. This invitation only event has earned a highly acclaimed reputation for bringing together the top echelon of both purchasing decision makers and suppliers while controlling the number of attendees to maximize everyone’s productivity and overall experience.

BITAC® was rated the #1 event in the hospitality industry
Belden Associates Study

Avoid the hours walking a trade show floor only to receive a hard sales pitch from a representative. You meet with executives at BITAC® who bring additional ideas to help you improve your business performance and create partnerships between your two organizations.

The interactive expert panels and round-table discussions provide a setting for you to share your experiences and gain insight from peers on the issues and challenges in today’s market. Be a part of the impressive list of movers and shakers from the industry to share career and personnel accomplishments, goals and projections of where our industry is heading while taking away cutting-edge information.